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Greylord Escort Doom Reaver Unit AttachmentFREE SHIPPING
Khador Greylord Escort Doom Reaver Unit AttachmentOnly the most courageous of Greylords are chosen to accompany the barbarous Doom Reavers into battle. These escorts are invariably experts in the field of Orgoth studies as well as formidable arcanists. Moving amidst the Doom Reavers like a handler of vicious beasts, the Greylord carries a staff of Orgoth origin. His will is exerted through this dark artifact, restraining the Doomreavers from murdering one another when they rip into the enemy. He channels that rage to provide a necromantic imperviousness to the effects of injuries. Gaping wounds close of their own accord as the Orgoth weapons chatter obscenely amongst themselves.
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