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This classic game of the Fantasy Monster Slug-a-thon is a standby from the Avalon Hill of yore and updated by Valley Games. The game still has a very devoted following, which is a tribute to the depth of the various strategies and approaches. The game is divided into two realms, the masterboard and the battleboards. On the masterboard, legions of mythical creatures roam about trying to recruit bigger and badder monsters and kill opposing legions in the process. When a combat occurs, the space is 'blown-up' by moving the action to the corresponding battleboard type. After lots of dice are tossed, the victor is returned to the masterboard with the spoils of war: points. The points mean little in and of themselves, but they are used to recruit Angels and Archangels and to augment one small character in the game. That particular character is the leader of the player's legions: the Titan. This is the player's alter-ego, and the Titan's fate and the player's fate are one and the same.