Morningtide Booster
Wizards of the Coast
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Morningtide Booster Magic the Gathering
Note: Wizards of the Coast prevents us from shipping outside of the USA or to shipping to resellers/stores/retailers of any sort. This product is meant for USA end users only and we will cancel all other orders.
Email me at dogstargames@gmail.com for shipping discounts based on quantity, method of shipping, and location
15 cards per pack! 36 Packs per Booster! Conflict continues in the world of Lorwyn as mighty races find common ground – and power – by forming new tribes based on their classes. Wizards, Warriors, Shamans, Soldiers, and Rogues give a boost to their “classmates” from Lorwyn and bring a new tool for battle: Tribal Equipment. Whether you’re a fan of Elves, Giants, Goblins or Merfolk, on February 1st Morningtide will bring your tribe a whole new set of possibilities. Morningtide expands on the themes introduced in Lorwyn and unveils three brand-new mechanics: Kinship, Reinforce, and Prowl.
Notice: We greatly appreciate all people looking at our Magic the Gathering offerings here at Dogstar Games, but it is necessary to let everyone know the Wizards of the Coast has specific contract rules for selling Magic the Gathering Booster Boxes and Packs. These rules are simple: a) We cannot sell out of the USA. Period. If you purchase this product and your shipping address is out of the USA, we will cancel the order and refund you immediately. b), We cannot sell to resellers. If you have a store, or plan on reselling in any way shape or form, please do not order from us, we will not sell to you under any conditions. These are the rules Wizards of the Coast has implemented to protect the community of magic players, and we will abide by them 100% of the time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us directly through email and we'll address your concerns. Thank you! - Jason