![Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 1 - Primal Heroes 1](/odyssey/heading.img?color=ff0000&text=000000&accent=1800f4&compliment=ffffff&navigation=07090c&heading=ff0000&title=ff0000&logo=ffffff&location.state=center&link=1800f4&title.text=Player%27s+Handbook+Heroes%3A+Series+1+-+Primal+Heroes+1&font=Arial&fontsize=24&stage.width.max=536&stagecolor=ffffff&width=536&cache=1337985249916)
Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 1 - Primal Heroes 1
![Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 1 - Primal Heroes 1 Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 1 - Primal Heroes 1](/account/images/image.img?color=ff0000&text=000000&accent=1800f4&compliment=ffffff&navigation=07090c&heading=ff0000&title=ff0000&logo=ffffff&link=1800f4&picture.image.url=%2Ffiles%2F1329089%2Fuploaded%2FPrimal+Heroes.jpg&picture.width.max=214&picture.image.mask.apply=false&stage.width.max=536&cache=1337985249916) |
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Available April 21st 2009
Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 1 - Primal Heroes 1
The Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 1 expansion for the Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game features high-quality miniatures representing iconic player character races and classes described in the Player's Handbook and Player's Handbook 2 core rulebooks. There are six booster packs in all: 2 packs of martial heroes, 2 packs of arcane heroes, 1 pack of divine heroes, and 1 pack of primal heroes.
Each booster pack contains 3 visible, high-quality, non-random plastic miniatures representing D&D player characters, plus an exclusive power card not available elsewhere! Each miniature comes beautifully painted and fully assembled.